Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Major Project Idea

  • What is the topic of your subject? FIFA 2014 Kickoff Party
  • What will you take photos of? Soccer & Party related subjects
  • What information will you research? What time the event is, the location, the phone number, details about the establishment. 
  • What type of project will you make? Flier
  • What service will you use? InDesign
  • Why is this the best service to make your final multimedia project? This is the best service for my project because I am focused on creating a flier for an event.
  • When and where will you record and capture this content? Throughout the weekend most likely.
  • When will you transfer your images, audio, text to your computer? Next week. 

Monday, May 5, 2014

Action Photos

Subject running toward -

Subject running across -

Panning - 

Intentional Blur - 

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Front Pages of The World

-Title: 20 Minutes
-From: Paris, France
-Favorite Headline: Le PSG ne compte pas baisser les yeux face a Chelsea en quart de finale. This is my favorite headline because this is about the UEFA Champions League quarter finals and soccer is my favorite sport.
-Things in common: Most of the newspapers all have one gigantic headline and one gigantic picture to catch the readers attention, and possibly to attract customers.
- There about 6, however they are all mostly just headlines to catch the readers attention.
- Things that vary: Some newspapers will insert a paragraph under their pictures as opposed to some which just have a caption under it.

The 7 News Values Of News

- A man escaped from the Del Valle correctional complex early in the morning after attacking a maintenance man in the kitchen, stealing the man's truck, and fleeing to freedom around 7am he was captured at 7:30am, this was today on March 27, 2014 making it very recent, hence why I chose timeliness.
Travis County sheriff’s office: Inmate escaped, re-arrested this morning

- Austin is growing at the fastest rate for a big city, this is proximity because this is the city I live in, with the rapid growth of Austin who knows what change we'll see in the upcoming years.
Austin, by the numbers, is continuing to boom, census data shows

It has now been two days since the horrendous shooting at Fort Hood, Texas, the largest military base in the world. Many people feel the effect of these types of situations.
Perry: ‘There aren’t any easy answers to what occurred’
This is also the link. ^^^

- Conflict
- About 500 customers remain without power as Austin Energy repair crews continue to work on outages at 80 locations across the utility’s coverage area. This is a big problem affecting the community.
About 500 without power as Austin Energy continues repairs
- http://www.statesman.com/news/news/local/storms-leaves-hundreds-without-power-overnight-sun/nfTsP/

- Human Interest 
- Long-time Latino comedian, George Lopez, will be making a return in the comedy sitcom dubbed, "Saint George" which will be on Thursday nights at 9pm.
Comedian George Lopez makes no apologies
- http://www.statesman.com/news/ap/entertainment/comedian-george-lopez-makes-no-apologies/nfNJp/

- Impact
- A pedestrian in his 70's was hit and killed by a car, more, and more of these incidents are occurring in Austin.
Pedestrian killed in Southeast Austin crash

- Novelty
- Gas prices will drop one whole penny from $3.57 a gallon, between April and September. What a break right?
Scant relief: Summer gas price to dip a penny

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

News Values

Timeliness - Just happened.
Proximity - How close did it happen.
Conflict - People fighting, human nature.
Prominence - Important or famous.
Human Interest - Drama
Impact - How it affects you.
Novelty - Weird news.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

First Photoshop Practice

Year book



Photoshop notes

SAVE - You do not have to rename the image at this point. Save often and regularly.

NESTLE - Tools are stacked on each other - access those tools you have to left click and hold


Command + = zoom in
Command - = zoom out
Command o = open
Command c = copy
Command v = paste
Command z = undo
Command, shift, z = step backward
Command s = save
Command p = print
Command l = levels

To turn an image go to
>Image>Image Rotation
CW and CCW
CW = Clock wise
CCW = Counter Clock Wise
180 = 1/2

Adjusting levels

Use RGB to adjust the pictures, move the brown one to the left a little to add light.

CROP- Select the cropping tool and then click and drag the area you want to crop. Before you crop, you must enter the resolution you want your image to be saved to.

Resolution Guidelines:
Yearbook = 300
Newspaper = 150
Web = 72

To make an image black and white
USE Grayscale
Image > Mode > Grayscale

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Year in Review

 This image is an amazing image of the rule of background of mother nature.
 Here a couple passes away in the Rana Plaza earthquake. This image depicts a strong emotion of love.
A group of people gather in the shade of this giant oak tree with a small fire as sun rays skim through the branches creating this lighting effect.

1. My favorite song of 2013. I chose this picture because it's simplicity and is on the album where the song was released. It is a very upbeat song.